Personal webpage of Valentina Kiritchenko

Faculty of Mathematics

Wednesday, April 24, 17:00 and 18:30, room 306

shinymath, · Categories: Без рубрики

17:00  Arina Voorhaar: Thom polynomials and the method of restriction equations


The global behavior of singularities is governed by their so-called Thom polynomials. Once the Thom polynomial of a singularity \mu is known, one can compute the cohomology class represented by the \mu-points of a map. One of the methods to compute the Thom polynomial of a singularity is due to R.Rimanyi and consists in solving a certain system of linear equations. We will discuss this method and will compute some Thom polynomials using it.  Basic familiarity with singular homology is strongly recommended.  I will introduce all the other necessary notions during the talk and give some examples.

18:30 Boris Nazarov: About lattice polytopes with a given Ehrhart polynomial


In the first part, I will prove that the number of unimodular equivalence classes of lattice polytopes with fixed normalized volume and degree is finite as well as the number of lattice polytopes with fixed h-polynomial.  Later, we will classify all lattice polytopes with normalized volume less or equal than 3.